Game of Thrones Winter is Coming (Game) Wiki
Screenshot 5

Maester's Tower enables player to make research, with higher levels unlocking more researches and increasing Research Speed.

Video Guide[]


Maester's Tower - Buildings - Game of Thrones, Winter is coming

Stats by level[]

Level Rating Research Speed Prerequisites Grain Cost Wood Cost Stone Cost Iron Cost Build Time
1 32 0.5% Castle lv. 5 465 372 465 558 00:53
2 96 1% Castle lv. 5 697 558 697 837 02:40
3 192 1.5% Castle lv. 5 1,046 837 1,046 1,255 06:00
4 326 2% Castle lv. 5 1,569 1,255 1,569 1,883 14:51
5 514 2.5% Castle lv. 5 2,354 1,883 2,354 2,824 31:27
6 777 3% Castle lv. 6 3,531 2,824 3,531 4,237 40:05
7 1,146 3.5% Castle lv. 7 5,296 4,237 5,296 6,355 01:20:09
8 1,663 4% Castle lv. 8 7,944 6,355 7,944 9,533 02:40:19
9 2,385 4.5% Castle lv. 9 11.9K 9,533 11.9K 14.3K 04:48:35
10 3,397 5% Castle lv. 10 17.9K 14.3K 17.9K 21.5K 10:15:38
11 4814 5.5% Castle lv. 11 26.8K 21.5K 26.8K 32.2K 13:20:20
12 6% Castle lv. 12
13 6.5% Castle lv. 13
14 7% Castle lv. 14 20:17:00
15 8% Castle lv. 15
16 26,524 9% Castle lv. 16 204K 163K 204K 244K 1d


17 37,192 10% Castle lv. 17 305K 244K 305K 367K



18 11% Castle lv. 18
19 73,035 12% Castle lv. 19
20 102,306 13% Castle lv. 20
21 143,287 14% Castle lv. 21 1.55M 1.24M 1.55M 1.86M 02d 13:00:03
22 200,659 15% Castle lv. 22 2.32M 1.86M 2.32M 2.78M 04d 01:36:05
23 280,981 16%
24 393,431 17% Castle lv. 24 5.22M 4.17M 5.22M 6.26M 13d 04:13:40
25 584,596 30% Castle lv. 25

Wall lv. 25

Bannerman Hall lv. 25

Hall of Faces lv. 25

Market lv. 25

Hospital lv. 25

Rookery lv. 25

Warehouse lv. 25

10.4M 8.35M 10.4M 12.5M

Level 25 also requires one Craftsman's Hammer.

Glory level[]

Glory level upgrades increase your Research Speed (by up to 10%) and your attack while in Fervor (by up to 12%).
