Game of Thrones Winter is Coming (Game) Wiki

Castle Exteriors change the visual of your Castle on the world map. In addition to the cosmetic effect, they can grant your kingdom several benefits.

  • Owned bonuses apply if you own an exterior
  • Active bonuses apply if you are currently using that exterior

To change the exterior, go to your Castle building and switch to the Exterior tab. Only a single exterior can be active simultaneously.

Castle exteriors can be either permanent or they have a limited duration, for example, 3 days or a month.


Exteriors usually come from limited-time events, for example Westeros Pass, and they often require Black Diamond purchase.

List of castle exteriors[]

Name Owned bonus Active bonus Source
Ancient Capitol Westeros Pass, season 1
Diamond Mine Disguise Westeros Pass, season 5
Crimson Fort Hospital Capacity +5k, Army Shelter Capacity +100k Research speed +10%, Endurance Recovery +10%, Total Health +5% Westeros Pass, season 8
Dunes Fort Construction Speed +5%, Reinforcement Capacity +10k Forging Speed +20%, Expedition Damage Increase +20%, Expedition Troop Marching Speed +10% Westeros Pass, season 7
Garden Keep Construction Speed 5% Stone Production 10%, Wood Production 10%, Transport Marching Speed 10%
Grand Keep Army size +10k, Reinforcement Capacity +10k Endurance item usage limit +3, Hospital Healing Speed +10%, Hospital Capacity +5k Westeros Pass, season 6
House of the Falcon Bowmen Attack +10%, Fortification Construction +15% Total Defense +5%, Hospital Healing Speed +10%, Fortifications Attack +20 Westeros Pass, season 9
Infernal Fortress Battle of the Long Night
Keep of Kings Army size +10k, Rally size +10k Rallied army attack bonus +10%, Increases defense for a... 10%, [Area] Allies Army Defense +10% Keep of Kings
King's Glory Weakened by enemy +5%, Hospital capacity +5000 Weakened by enemy +10%, Infantry attack +10%, Infantry defense +15% Lost in the Smoke recharge event
Mint Disguise Gold Dragons productions 10% Gold Dragons capacity 10%, Motivation limit +300, Investment Amount +2000 Westeros Pass, season 3
Rose Keep Westeros Pass, season 4
Shadow of Valyria Westeros Pass, season 2
Titan Fortress Army size +10k, Rally size +10k Total Health +10%, Total Defense +10%, [Area] Enemies Army +10% Titan Fortress
Winds of Winter Army size +10k, Rally size +10k Total Attack 10%, Total Health +10%, Total Defense +10%, [Area] Enemies Army +10%